Invalid credentials

Find out the solution for authentication issues.

If you see an error message like the one below in your console, you are likely experiencing an authentication issue.

The following sections explain the possible causes and solutions for this issue.

Invalid Application ID

Our servers refuse requests from applications with an invalid Application ID or coming from an unauthorized domain.

To make sure you are using the correct Application ID, check the  Integration page  of your application.

Invalid environment

Trying to use a production Application ID in a local environment or vice versa is not allowed. Make sure you are using the correct Application ID for the environment you are working in, which can be found on the  Integration page  of your application.

Invalid user token

If the user token is invalid - due to expiration, tampering, or other issues - the request will be blocked. To fix this, you can either delete the token or set a new one. Typically, clearing your cookies and local storage will resolve the issue.

Another issue might be sending an unsigned token when the Require authenticated token option is enabled in the  Application settings .

While you can turn off this option, doing so may increase security risks, like impersonation attacks. We recommend leaving it on and signing your tokens.