Session activity
Learn how to define an audience based on the session activity.
The session variable summarizes the current user's browsing experience on your website. It offers valuable information such as statistics, the duration of the visit, the landing page, and more.
The referrer, which identifies the page that brought the user to your site, remains constant throughout the visit, even as the user moves from one page to another. This is useful for creating audiences based on where the user came from.
For example, you can create an audience based on a specific referrer using:
session's referrer is ""
The landing page represents the initial page the user arrived at and is an excellent way to tailor content based on where users began their journey on your site. For example, to create an audience of users who landed on a specific landing page, such as "first purchase", you can use:
session's landingPage matches "first-purchase"
Session statistics provide an aggregate view of session activity. For example, you can identify users who spent more than 5 minutes on your site and did not place an order using:
session's duration > 5 minutes and session's stats' orders is 0
You can even look at more granular activity, such as users who viewed at least 3 pages during their session:
session's stats' pageviews > 3
For more information on session variables, see the Session section.