Roles and permissions

Understand member roles and permissions.

Our platform uses a role-based access control system to manage user permissions within organizations and workspaces. This ensures that members have the appropriate access and permissions to carry out their tasks while keeping your data secure and organized.

Users can have one of three roles within an organization or workspace: owner, manager, or maintainer. Each of these roles has a set of permissions that allow users to perform specific tasks, as outlined below.


At the organization level, the roles define the level of control a member has over an entire organization, its settings, workspaces, and security management.


There are three distinct roles at the organization level:

  • Owner: full access to the organization, including settings, workspaces, and security management privileges
  • Manager: full access to the organization but no destructive or security management privileges
  • Maintainer: can manage workspace resources, except for settings and members.

A user can have different roles in an organization and in each of its workspaces. However, users who have access to an organization can also access all its workspaces. To limit their access to specific workspaces, you can add them as workspace members instead of organization members.


The table below shows the available permissions per role within your organization:

View organization
View organization settings-
Update organization settings-
Delete organization--
Invite member to organization-
View organization member-
Update organization member-
Remove organization member-
Create workspace-
List workspaces
View workspaces
View workspace settings-
Update workspace settings-
Delete workspaces-
Invite workspace member-
View workspace member
Update workspace member-
Delete workspace member-
View experience
View audience
Create audience
Update audience-
Delete audience-
View component
Create component
Update component-
Delete component-
View slot
Create slot
Update slot-
Delete slot-
Create experience
Publish experience-
Pause experience-
Archive experience-
Restore experience
Update experience draft
View experiment
Create experiment
Start experiment-
Pause experiment-
Finish experiment-
Update experiment draft
Create application-
List applications
View applications
View application settings-
Update application settings-
Delete application-
Create API key for application-
Delete API key from application-


At the workspace level, the roles define the level of control a member has over a workspace, its settings, and resources.


The roles are the same as the organization roles, but with the following differences:

  • Owner: full access to the workspace, including settings, applications, and security management privileges
  • Manager: full access to the workspace but no destructive or security management privileges
  • Maintainer: can manage workspace resources, except for settings and members.


The table below shows the available permissions per role within your workspace:

View organization
View organization settings---
Update organization settings---
Delete organization---
Invite member to organization---
View organization member---
Update organization member---
Remove organization member---
Create workspace---
List workspaces---
View workspaces
View workspace settings-
Update workspace settings-
Delete workspaces--
Invite workspace member-
View workspace member
Update workspace member-
Delete workspace member-
View experience
View audience
Create audience
Update audience-
Delete audience-
View component
Create component
Update component-
Delete component-
View slot
Create slot
Update slot-
Delete slot-
Create experience
Publish experience-
Pause experience-
Archive experience-
Restore experience
Update experience draft
View experiment
Create experiment
Start experiment-
Pause experiment-
Finish experiment-
Update experiment draft
Create application-
List applications
View applications
View application settings-
Update application settings-
Delete application-
Create API key for application-
Delete API key from application-