
Get an overview of the platform's hierarchical structure.

Our platform is built around a hierarchical structure that allows you to control and manage your data. This flexible design scales well from early-stage startups to large corporations with different business units, meeting your data needs at any stage.

The hierarchical structure has three levels: organization, workspace, and application.


An organization is the highest hierarchical level in our platform, and typically corresponds to a single company, group of companies, or a personal project.

You can either create an organization or join an existing one as a member. Depending on your role in your organization, you may have different access permissions. For more information, refer to organization roles.

Organizations make it easy to define data access policies through different divisions, called workspaces, and to pool all the data related to their applications.


Workspace is the second level in the hierarchy. It typically represents the work areas within your company, such as a business unit, a product, or a project. You can manage user data, experiences, and experiments within a workspace.

You can either create a workspace or join an existing one as a member. Depending on your role in your workspace, you may have different access permissions. For more information, refer to workspace roles.


Application is the third and final level in the hierarchy. Applications are the channels through which users interact with your business, such as websites and mobile and desktop applications.

Every application belongs to a single workspace. For example, a website might have production and development environments, each with its own restrictions. Creating an application with the same name for each environment allows you to work on new features without impacting production.

You can specify additional security, privacy, and localization preferences per application for fine-grained control over protecting your data and providing consistent experiences.