Interest shown

Record topics a user may be interested in.

This event tracks topics that a user may be interested in based on their interactions with your application or website. For example, users spending time on a specific page, clicking on a specific category, or searching for a specific topic.

Croct's mascot neutral
When should I track this event?

Track this event when a user views content or performs an action that indicates their interest in something.


Here is an example of how to track this event:

import croct from '@croct/plug';
croct.track('linkOpened', {
interests: [
'ab testing',
'data science'

Input properties

These are the supported properties:


The list of topics the user may be interested in. For example, "ab testing", "analytics", "data science", etc.

The value must be an array of up to 10 strings between 1 and 50 characters long.

Processed properties

This event has no processed properties.

Payload examples

Below are some payload examples for this event:

"interests": ["ab testing", "analytics", "data science"]